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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Two Eyes; Two Hands

This week we're taking time to remember that America has been through one of her history's difficult times. This past year was not the first time this county faced hardship, of course. Nor are we the only country to have known suffering. Some nations have endured much more...for much longer...even than we.
None of us on this planet have been immune to adversity. All of us have known almost unbearable pain and difficulties. Heart-breaking times. A wise obstetrician at a university teaching hospital once made a comment about suffering. Someone asked the doctor what advice he offered to his students, future doctors and nurses, when caring for mothers who gave birth to stillborn infants.
The doctor paused for a moment in thought. Then he said this: "I tell them that they need two eyes. One eye is not enough; they need two eyes. With one eye they have to check the I.V.; and with the other eye they have to weep. That's what I tell them," he said. "I tell them that they need two eyes."
He knows the secret of hard times: we need two eyes. One for seeing, the other for weeping. And we need two hands. One for holding on, the other for reaching out. I don't know all there is to know about suffering. But I do know the way to survive it. Two eyes; two hands. That's how we get through this life best.
Moral stories can improve your moral values.
--Steve Goodier

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