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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Giving Thanks

A national day of Thanksgiving for God's blessings in our lives is a beautiful tradition. Individual and national expressions of gratitude strengthen our connectedness with the Divine. Each time we offer our heart's appreciation to the Heavenly Provider and renew our realization of His boundless grace, we cannot but wonder at the abundance - spiritual and material - that flows from Him unto ourselves, our families, our country, our world.
Paramahansaji often said that though God is so great - the Infinite Sustainer of the universe - He is exceedingly humble, hiding Himself behind the countless manifestations of nature and human existence. But those who look for Him with devotion begin to perceive His presence working throughout creation and dwelling in the soul of every being. The more we yearn to know Him, the more we will become aware of His expressions of love: perhaps through an unsought encouraging word or thoughtful gesture from someone, some experience that broadens our understanding, or an insightful answer to a prayer for guidance. If we recognize these treasures as God-given, frequently saying, "My beloved God, thank You!" we will know Him as the Source of all, the Giver behind the gifts that sweeten this temporal life. The things and conditions of this world are subject to change; but the love of the One who cares for us in so many hidden ways and through so many channels is constant and everlasting.
A very real part of recognizing the bounty we receive from the Eternal One is a wish to share His love with others. Make yourself an instrument of His kindness and care, offering gifts of food or other material assistance for the less fortunate in the community. And create opportunities to express to your family, friends, and acquaintances how much you appreciate them; a few sincere words or some loving service you can render will mean more to them than you can imagine...that special joy that comes from reaching out to the God in others.
Enjoy this Thanksgiving with an open heart of gratitude and sharing; make it the beginning of a permanent habit, and it will fill your consciousness with a continual wondrous perception: God in everything, God in everyone.
Moral stories can improve your moral values.
--Sri Daya Mata

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