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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations With GOD

God: Think of it this way. The word "I" is the key that starts the engine of creation. The words "I am" are extremely powerful. They are statements to the universe. Commands. Now, whatever follows the word "I" (which calls forth the Great I Am) tends to manifest in physical reality.
Therefore "I" + "want success" produces you wanting success. "I" + "want money" must produce you wanting money. It can produce no other thing, because thoughts, words are creative. Actions are, too. And if you act in a way which says that you want success and money, then your thoughts, words, and actions are in accord, and you are sure to have the experience of wantingness. . . . . . .instead of thinking "I want success," think "I have success.". . .think a thought you can accept. "My success is coming to me now," or "all things lead to my success."

Neale: So this is the trick behind the New Age practice of affirmations.

God continues: Affirmations do not work if they are merely statements of what you want to be true. Affirmations work only when they are statements of something you already know to be true. The best so-called affirmation is a statement of gratitude and appreciation. "Thank you, God, for bringing me success in my life." Now that idea, thought, spoken and acted upon, produces wonderful results--when it comes from true knowing; not from an attempt to produce results, but from an awareness that results have already been produced.
Jesus had such clarity. Before every miracle, he thanked Me in advance for its deliverance. It never occurred to him not to be grateful, because it never occurred to him that what he declared would not happen. The thought never entered his mind. So sure was he of who he was and of his relationship to Me that his every thought, word, and deed reflected his awareness--just as your thoughts, words, and deeds reflect yours. . . If, now, there is something you choose to experience in your life, do not "want" it--choose it.

Do you choose success in worldly terms? Do you choose more money?
Good. Then choose it. Really. Fully. Not half-heartedly.

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